Racism is one of the root causes of the world’s chaos. It is the biggest of all evils in society. Studies have shown that racism can lead to social disorders, imbalance, and violence. This is why racism must be entirely evicted from the community. And the first step we can take for this cause is to start working on ourselves and our surroundings.
This is what Jermany Coney is doing. She is a proud advocate for black people, especially women in the social media industry. Through content creation, Jermany is spreading awareness for this very cause and is fighting for racial equality.
Being a black woman is not easy. It means you are from not one but two minorities; black people and women. And pertaining to the growing racist attacks worldwide, it is time to start acting practically because no law and order is helpful unless it’s acted upon. Keeping that in mind, Jermany began from the fundamental yet essential aspect of equality that incorporates equal pay.
While America is a free and liberal country and one of the biggest advocates for human rights, certain racial things, like unequal pay, still prevail in some parts. Unequal pay is not only a matter of gender inequality; it also happens in racism due to color. Jermany fights for this; she speaks for those black women who are not paid equally in comparison to their white fellow workers and cannot speak for themselves.
Social media has the power to change people’s minds and influence them. Jermany uses her social media business and presence to do just that. While doing so, she’s not only helping secure fundamental rights but is also working to make a difference in the world of social media.
Being a black woman and a content creator, Jermany is very well aware of the struggles black women face in their workplaces and society overall. That is why she constantly encourages her audience and helps them in any way possible..
Through her social media business, JermanyOnline, she has become a voice for black content creators, and she aims never to stop till the world is free of racism and inequality. Get to know more about her at her website.