“We’re not told we can succeed. Success is for other people. The culture that raised us told us that we would never be good enough. But if you think back on your last 1,000 days, the biggest person that holds you back from everything you say you want is you. And that’s not some motivational cue card it’s a practical fact.. All of us have the opportunity to improve, to get better, to become something and there’s evidence of this everywhere you look! But the reason they don’t feed us those visions and narratives is bcuz it’s easier to discuss how unfair life is before we discuss our failures of the past 1000 days” says Richey as he glares into the jam packed audience in Utah.
Travis Richey and Ryan Stream took Utah by storm bringing a message of hope, inspiration and a concert that rocked the house to over 500 people.
Travis Richey started AccomplishED Ventures, an in-person and tablet-based curriculum for educating the incarcerated. The curriculum covers basic education, life skills, entrepreneurial skills, job skills, and financial literacy.
Ryan Stream, a military veteran, entrepreneur and motivational speaker, brings his story of a lost childhood and drug addictions that turned his life from hopeless to inspirational.
Both men are shining examples of what you can become when you use your purpose in life to fuel your actions. Both men are on a mission to change lives and make an impact in the youth of this world and show them that with some practice, pain and perspiration…anything and everything is possible.