For many years, alcohol has been used as a means to have fun, enjoy and socialize. At the same time, on a darker note, many use alcohol or any other addictive substance as a coping mechanism. They find escape in it from the harsh realities of life, as it gives them a false perception of confidence. Karen Thomspon also spent many years of her life down this road until one day, she decided to quit being dependent on alcohol and cocaine – proving that she has been adequate and worthy without them all along.
Karen understands that deciding not to pick up a bottle can be one of the hardest things one can muster up to do, especially for someone so heavily dependent on it. No doubt, it was the most challenging thing she had to do. It requires hard work, courage, and consistency. However, with sobriety, one can begin a new life. Every day, week, month or year is worth celebrating since then.
Sobriety is an indication of the fact that you choose your health and wellness over a state of numbness. It proves that when you choose life, life chooses you. Karen found liberation, beauty, valor and acceptance when she parted ways with addictive substances 18 years ago. Living her best life made her realize that she can shine her light on others as well, helping them out of their personal darkness; hence, Super Sexy Sobriety was born.
Improving people’s lives through an inspiring platform would not be the first time for Karen. She is also the founder of the Sugar-Free Revolution and a best-selling cookbook author of “Sugar-Free: 8 Weeks to Freedom from Sugar and Carb Addiction.” She has years of experience working with people going through eating disorders and addiction to mainly carbs and sugar. Lately, she has thought about focusing on sobriety and has been working on devising different ideas for Super Sexy Sobriety that would benefit others.
Karen is all set to launch the My Super Sexy Sobriety Podcast and a coaching program afterward. Her main goal is to promote the idea that recovery is sexy; wanting to recover is sexy, and unimaginable contentment is waiting right around the corner. She is not entirely opposed to the concept of drinking but emphasizes that moderation is vital. You must put yourself first if it starts to affect your physical health, mental health, self-image, personal and social relationships.
A long-term goal for Karen is to build Super Sexy Sobriety into one of the world’s leading sober platforms, where everyone comes together to evolve for the better. Alcohol might make you feel good about your life, but you need to know that it is a temporary feeling; true happiness doesn’t need to rely on alcohol addiction. Part your ways with it, and you can experience your own Super Sexy Sobriety!