Circumstances matter; they make or break us. Most people are a product of what goes around them. However, no matter how taxing they are, circumstances do not hold the power to subjugate the fearless energy and limitless passion of strong minds. You will see them shining out of the most unlikely places and reaching the very top with the sheer power of self-belief and confidence. This is the story of the incredible owner of the Incredible One enterprises, Dr. Darnyelle Harmon.
Passion and persistence are the most notable overtones of the story of this wonderful soul, Dr. Darnyelle. Her mind never registered fears, gloom, and hopelessness. Life wasn’t easy for Darnyelle; she was born to drug-addicted parents and faced abuse in her early years. Destitution, depression, and abuse were her realities as a child, but she wouldn’t give in. She resolved to get out of that hellhole of a life and succeeded because she never entertained any doubts about herself. Like she says, “I am too dumb to doubt that I can achieve what I decide.”
For her, once a decision is made, there is absolutely no going back. This is the kind of personality at the helm of the business transformation company Incredible One Enterprises. She seeks to infuse her clients with the same unwavering self-belief. Circumstances and situations can be daunting, formidable, and even impossible, but what really holds you back is your own belief and your own fear of failure.
Dr. Darnyelle believes in breaking mental barriers to success, powering the systems with tools and strategies, and streamlining processes so that millions rain in on you effortlessly and gracefully.
Darnyelle is a top business growth speaker; her energy is contagious.The most noticeable feature of her personality, which shines brightest of all, is her self-confidence and positive self-belief. She wears her confidence as if that’s the only thing she’s got. She believes she can do it, and she instills this belief in her listeners and her clients.
Dr. Darnyelle is not just a business transformer who seeks to make money by helping businesses reach the next level, but she is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to maximize their potential in every possible way. For Darnyelle, a successful entrepreneur is a whole entrepreneur and not the one torn between their worldly and spiritual needs. An entrepreneur with a fragmented personality is a struggling soul, whether or not they are making millions. Millions should come with ease and grace and not with hustle and grind.
Darnyelle also owns Incredible Factor University, a Business School for Uncompromising Millions Minded Entrepreneurs, who are ready to maximize their potential and master the Move to Millions Method ®, which enables her clients to leave a positive impact on the world.
Her ventures show her steadfast belief in the power of self-belief, passion, and persistence. More about her here